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Module:Category handler: Difference between revisions

update to use Module:Yesno and to allow it to play nicely with other Lua modules
(tweak blacklist - on matching subpages, don't match "basepage/", only "basepage/foo")
(update to use Module:Yesno and to allow it to play nicely with other Lua modules)
Line 1:
-- --
-- --
-- This module implements the {{category handler}} template in Lua, with a few improvements: all --
-- namespaces and all namespace aliases are supported, and namespace names are detected --
-- in Lua, with a few improvements: all namespaces and all --
-- automatically for the local wiki. This module requires [[Module:Namespace detect]] and --
-- namespace aliases are supported, and namespace names are --
-- detected[[Module:Yesno]] automaticallyto forbe available on the local wiki. ThisIt modulecan be configured for different wikis --
-- by altering the values in the "cfg" table. --
-- requires [[Module:Namespace detect]] to be available on --
-- --
-- the local wiki. It can be configured for different wikis --
-- by altering the values in the "cfg" table. --
-- --
-- Configuration data --
-- Language-specific parameter names and values can be set here. --
-- here. --
local cfg = {}
-- cfg.nocatThe isfollowing config values set the parameternames nameof toparameters that suppress categorisation. They are used
-- with Module:Yesno, and work as follows:
-- cfg.nocatTrue is the value to suppress categorisation, and
-- cfg.nocatFalse is the value to both categorise and to skip the
-- cfg.nocat:
-- blacklist check.
-- Result of yesno(args[cfg.nocat]) Effect
-- true Categorisation is suppressed
-- false Categorisation is allowed, and the blacklist check is skipped
-- nil Categorisation is allowed
-- cfg.categories:
-- Result of yesno(args[cfg.categories]) Effect
-- true Categorisation is allowed, and the blacklist check is skipped
-- false Categorisation is suppressed
-- nil Categorisation is allowed
cfg.nocat = 'nocat'
cfg.nocatTrue = 'true'
cfg.nocatFalse = 'false'
-- The parameter name for the legacy "categories" parameter. This
-- skips the blacklist if set to the cfg.category2Yes value, and
-- suppresses categorisation if set to the cfg.categoriesNo value.
cfg.categories = 'categories'
cfg.categoriesYes = 'yes'
cfg.categoriesNo = 'no'
-- The parameter name for the legacy "category2" parameter. This skips the blacklist if set to the
-- cfg.category2Yes value, and suppresses categorisation if present but equal to anything other than
-- skips the blacklist if set to the cfg.category2Yes value, and
-- cfg.category2Yes or cfg.category2Negative.
-- suppresses categorisation if present but equal to anything other
-- than cfg.category2Yes or cfg.category2Negative.
cfg.category2 = 'category2'
cfg.category2Yes = 'yes'
cfg.category2Negative = '¬Ê'
-- cfg.subpage is the parameter name to specify how to behave on subpages. cfg.subpageNo is the value to
-- specify to not categorise on subpages.; cfg.subpageNoonly is the value to specify to notonly categorise on subpages.
-- categorise on subpages; cfg.only is the value to specify to only
-- categorise on subpages.
cfg.subpage = 'subpage'
cfg.subpageNo = 'no'
Line 55 ⟶ 51:
cfg.all = 'all'
-- The parameter name for data to return if no data is specified for the namespace that is detected. This
-- the namespace that is detected. This must be the same as the cfg.other parameter in [[Module:Namespace detect]].
-- cfg.other parameter in [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.other = 'other'
-- The parameter name used to specify a page other than the current page; used for testing and
-- page; used for testing and demonstration. This must be the same as the cfg.page parameter in [[Module:Namespace detect]].
-- as the cfg.page parameter in [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.page = 'page'
-- The categorisation blacklist. Pages that match Lua patterns in this list will not be categorised.
-- (However, see the explanation of cfg.nocat, cfg.categories and cfg.category2 for some exceptions.)
-- list will not be categorised unless any of the following options are
-- If the namespace name has a space in, it must be written with an underscore, e.g. "Wikipedia_talk".
-- set: "nocat=false", "categories=yes", or "category2=yes".
-- Other parts of the title can have either underscores or spaces.
-- If the namespace name has a space in, it must be written with an
-- underscore, e.g. "Wikipedia_talk". Other parts of the title can have
-- either underscores or spaces.
cfg.blacklist = {
'^Main Page$', -- don't categorise the main page.
Line 89 ⟶ 81:
-- This is a table of namespaces to categorise by default. They should be in the format of parameter
-- should be in the format of parameter names accepted by [[Module:Namespace detect]].
-- [[Module:Namespace detect]].
cfg.defaultNamespaces = {
Line 99 ⟶ 90:
-- End configuration data --
-- Get dependent modules
-- Get [[Module:Namespace detect]] and declare the table of functions
local nsDetect = require('Module:Namespace detect')
-- that we will return.
local NamespaceDetectyesno = require('Module:Namespace detectYesno')
local p = {}
-- Local functions --
-- The following are internal functions, which we do not want to be accessible from other modules. --
-- to be accessible from other modules. --
-- Find whether we need to return a category or not.
local function needsCategory( pageObject, args )
-- Don't categorise if the relevant options are set.
if yesno(args[cfg.nocat] == cfg.nocatTrue)
or yesno(args[cfg.categories]) == cfg.categoriesNofalse
or ( args[cfg.category2]
and args[cfg.category2] ~= cfg.category2Yes
and args[cfg.category2] ~= cfg.category2Negative )
return false
Line 135 ⟶ 126:
if args[cfg.subpage] == cfg.subpageOnly
and (not pageObject or (pageObject and not pageObject.isSubpage) ) then
return false
Line 142 ⟶ 134:
-- Find whether we need to check the blacklist or not.
local function needsBlacklistCheck( args )
if yesno(args[cfg.nocat]) == cfg.nocatFalsefalse
or yesno(args[cfg.categories]) == cfg.categoriesYestrue
or args[cfg.category2] == cfg.category2Yes then
return false
return true
-- Searches the blacklist to find a match with the page object. The
-- string searched is the namespace plus the title, including subpages.
-- Returns true if there is a match, otherwise returns false.
local function findBlacklistMatch( pageObject )
if not pageObject then return end
-- Get the title to check.
local title = pageObject.nsText -- Get the namespace.
-- Append a colon if the namespace isn't the blank string.
if #title > 0 then
title = title .. ':' .. pageObject.text
title = pageObject.text
-- Check the blacklist.
for i, pattern in ipairs( cfg.blacklist ) do
if mw.ustring.match( title, pattern ) then
return true
return false
Line 179 ⟶ 148:
-- Mappings is the table of parameter mappings taken from
-- [[Module:Namespace detect]].
local function nsParamsExist( mappings, args )
if args[cfg.all] or args[cfg.other] then
return true
for ns, params in pairs( mappings ) do
for i, param in ipairs( params ) do
if args[param] then
return true
Line 191 ⟶ 160:
return false
-- Global functions --
-- The following functions are global, because we want them to be accessible from #invoke and --
-- from other Lua modules. --
local p = {}
-- Find if a string matches the blacklist. Returns the match if one is found, or nil otherwise.
-- Input should be a page title with a namespace prefix, e.g. "Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion".
function p.matchesBlacklist(page)
if type(page) ~= 'string' then return end
for i, pattern in ipairs(cfg.blacklist) do
local match = mw.ustring.match(page, pattern)
if match then
return match
-- The main structure of the module. Checks whether we need to categorise,
-- and then passes the relevant arguments to [[Module:Namespace detect]].
local function p._main( args )
-- Get the page object and argument mappings from
-- [[Module:Namespace detect]], to save us from having to rewrite the
-- code.
local pageObject = NamespaceDetectnsDetect.getPageObject( args[cfg.page] )
local mappings = NamespaceDetectnsDetect.getParamMappings()
if not needsCategory(pageObject, args) then return end
-- Check if we need a category or not, and return nothing if not.
if not needsCategory( pageObject, args ) then return end
local ret = '' -- The string to return.
-- Check blacklist if necessary.
if not needsBlacklistCheck( args) or not p.matchesBlacklist(pageObject.prefixedText) then
orif not findBlacklistMatchnsParamsExist(mappings, pageObject args) then
if not nsParamsExist( mappings, args ) then
-- No namespace parameters exist; basic usage. Pass args[1] to
-- [[Module:Namespace detect]] using the default namespace
-- parameters, and return the result.
local ndargs = {}
for _, ndarg in ipairs( cfg.defaultNamespaces ) do
ndargs[ndarg] = args[1]
ndargs.page = args.page
local ndresult = NamespaceDetectnsDetect.main( ndargs )
if ndresult then
ret = ret .. ndresult
Line 232 ⟶ 218:
-- Get the arguments to pass to [[Module:Namespace detect]].
local ndargs = {}
for ns, params in pairs( mappings ) do
for _, param in ipairs( params ) do
ndargs[param] = args[param] or args[cfg.other] or nil
Line 244 ⟶ 230:
local data = NamespaceDetectnsDetect.main( ndargs )
-- Work out what to return based on the result of the namespace detect call.
--local detectdatanum call.= tonumber(data)
localif type(datanum) == tonumber('number' data )then
if type( datanum ) == 'number' then
-- "data" is a number, so return that positional parameter.
-- Remove non-positive integer values, as only positive integers
-- from 1-10 were used with the old template.
if datanum > 0
and math.floor( datanum ) == datanum
and args[datanum] then
ret = ret .. args[ datanum ]
Line 269 ⟶ 254:
function p.main(frame)
-- Global functions --
-- The following functions are global, because we want them --
-- to be accessible from #invoke and from other Lua modules. --
-- At the moment only the main function is here. It processes --
-- the arguments and passes them to the _main function. --
function p.main( frame )
-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking
-- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise
Line 284 ⟶ 261:
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
origArgs = frame:getParent().args
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
origArgs = frame.args
Line 295 ⟶ 272:
-- 1, 2, 3 etc., "nocat", "categories", "subpage", and "page".
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
vif = mw.text.trimtype(v) --== Trim'string' whitespace.then
v = mw.text.trim(v) -- Trim whitespace.
if type(k) == 'number'
or k == cfg.nocat
or k == cfg.categories
or k == cfg.subpage
or k == cfg.page then
if v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
Line 313 ⟶ 293:
-- parameters are put in lower case whenever they appear in the old
-- template, so we can just do it once here and save ourselves some work.
local lowercase = { cfg.nocat, cfg.categories, cfg.category2, cfg.subpage }
for _, v in ipairs( lowercase ) do
iflocal argVal = args[v] then
if args[v]type(argVal) == mw.ustring.lower('string' args[v] )then
args[v] = mw.ustring.lower(argVal)
return p._main( args )
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